[postgis-devel] A letter to the Postgis Developers and Packagers

Sandro Santilli strk at keybit.net
Thu Oct 22 23:13:47 PDT 2015

On Thu, Oct 22, 2015 at 12:18:22PM -0400, Paragon Corporation wrote:

> If we could have an option so that PostGIS has it's own version of liblwgeom with a versioning scheme that matches the rest of PostGIS, with an optional switch to spit out another baby with it's own versioning that others can use, then the two can coexist using the same code base
> And that code base be PostGIS.

Had you not considered the option of PostGIS dynamically linking to
the new external library ? It would be like the GEOS dependency.

> That probably doesn't help Debian folks all that much except that
> liblwgeom so names won't change with each new micro release of PostGIS,
> but they'd still have to maintain 2 for largely identical libraries.

I guess the PostGIS version would not need to be an exported library
anymore, if the external one exists.


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