[postgis-devel] A letter to the Postgis Developers and Packagers

a.furieri at lqt.it a.furieri at lqt.it
Sat Oct 24 07:06:44 PDT 2015

On Sat, 24 Oct 2015 15:13:20 +0200, Even Rouault wrote:
>> Refactoring the whole lwgeom as a fully independent library
>> is a completely different task, and should never be confused
>> with the other approach advocated by the initial post from
>> Tuscany (A.Peri); future evolutions of lwgeom mainly are a
>> PostGIS own internal affair, and have a very limited interest
>> (if any) for any other GFOSS project.
>> What really matters is a very limited and well defined
>> subset: "superGEOS" and Topology.
> There's perhaps a better forum than here to ask that, but what will 
> be the
> license of this "superGEOS" ?

Hi Even,

this is a very good question.
the initial post of Andrea Peri starting this thread simply stated:
"with an open license similar to that of liblwgeom"

I personally feel that adopting the LGPL should be the optimal
solution mainly because LGPL already is the license adopted by
GEOS itself and "superGEOS" would simply be a rather obvious
GEOS complement.
anyway this is just a personal preference of my own; I suppose
that we should start a most serious discussion about the most
appropriate licensing terms.

bye Sandro

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