[postgis-devel] PostGIS ST_EuclideanDistance() not working. Wrong upperleftx and y?

Vitor Sapucaia vsfortunato at gmail.com
Wed Jun 21 00:36:25 PDT 2017

Hello guys!

I need help on this question that I've posted on GIS stackexchange:

*here is the question:*

I'm trying to make this ST_EuclideanDistance() function work, but no
success so far. I'm not getting the expected result because the raster
seems to be drawn at a wrong location.



Firstly, I'm considering this test page to test the function:


When running the second test case:

CREATE TABLE test_source_raster_1 AS SELECT
    1 AS rid, rast
       ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10,10,0,0,1,1,0,0,4326) AS rast
     ) foo;CREATE TABLE test_source_geometry_1 AS SELECT
    generate_series(1,10) AS id,
    ST_RandomPoints(the_geom,10) AS the_geom
       ST_SetSRID(ST_Extent(rast::geometry), 4326) AS the_geom
    FROM test_source_raster_1) foo;CREATE TABLE test_ref_raster_1 AS SELECT
  1 AS rid, rast
       ST_MakeEmptyRaster(10,10,0,0,1,1,0,0,4326) AS rast
    ) foo;
 CREATE TABLE test_eudist_1_a_i_1 AS
      1 AS rid,
         'test_source_geometry_1', 'the_geom', True
       ) AS rast
     FROM test_ref_raster_1);

I'm getting this result (every raster pixel is null):

[image: results] <https://i.stack.imgur.com/xPn7Z.png>

And this is the expected result I should have gotten: [image: expected]
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