[postgis-devel] AutoFix Again

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Tue Jul 24 06:54:54 PDT 2018

Just trolling tickets and reading/thinking, was thinking that the
autofix question falls into two parts:

- having a whole query interrupted by a single row problem is
sometimes not desired
- what *is* desired in that case is quite variable

This is something for discussion perhaps at the sprint, but the
problem of "policy" is going to keep coming up...

- is a given behaviour a policy or a parameter?

For example, does it make more sense to have

set postgis.geos_exception_action = return_null;
set postgis.geos_exception_action = attempt_repair;
set postgis.geos_exception_action = fatal_error;

Or, should that kind of thing be a parameter to each effected function?
The same question will obtain for things like tolerance. If we add a
tolerance module, is it a global setting, or is it a function
parameter? Or, heaven help us, is it both?
The whole question is further complicated by the issues we have had in
the past with interactions between GUC and upgrades.

Anyways, I feel like this stuff needs to be written out a little bit
more, but maybe I'm just ignorant and it's already written out.


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