[postgis-devel] Making SFCGAL mandatory

Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski me at komzpa.net
Wed Nov 14 07:32:26 PST 2018

> So basically, we would only change the way functions in SFCGAL
> "register" themselves in the global array of functions [1]: transform
> the static array into a simple chained list and have the SFCGAL module
> extend it when it gets loaded on runtime by postgresql (on create
> extension postgis_sfcgal)

Yes, that would probably be enough.

> [1]
> https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/browser/trunk/postgis/lwgeom_backend_api.c#L71
> >
> > If someone provides a javascript implementation for say
> > ST_DelaunayTriangles, they can't simply drop into it at all, apart from
> > renaming and wrapping it all into more layers and having strong
> > dependencies on creation order.
> Hmmm, but that's even more dynamic than what I had in mind :)
> What you suggest is a way to override any function of postgis with any
> other user-defined function, including from interpreted languages, and
> only for the current session ?

Okay, maybe going for any language is overkill :)

But at some level it should be possible - so if someone wants to drop in
boost-geometry they could, and won't have to be a part of PostGIS codebase.
Darafei Praliaskouski
Support me: http://patreon.com/komzpa
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