[postgis-devel] Making SFCGAL mandatory

Darafei "Komяpa" Praliaskouski me at komzpa.net
Sun Nov 18 04:25:09 PST 2018

сб, 17 нояб. 2018 г. в 11:23, Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us>:

> >  How about we just overload ST_Intesects, ST_3DIntersects and so forth.
> We love overloading ☺
> >  And then get rid of the backend.
> >  So anyone who wants to use the cgal version would do
> > ST_Intersects(geom1,geom2, 'cgal')
> Disregard my proposed solution here of overloading the functions.  I just
> realized that wouldn't solve the ultimate gripe I had of SFCGAL being part
> of the postgis lib.
> It would only give more granular control of when to use SFCGAL/PostGIS
> overlapping functions than Backend GUC does.

What if we treat it all just like GEOS version test?
i.e. there is always a function from SFCGAL, and if PostGIS is compiled
without it it just says "please recompile", and if there is we're lucky and
it just works.

Regarding solid and non-solid intersection - what if they are indeed two
distinct operations, just like ST_Contains and ST_Intersects that mean
basically the same thing for point-and-polygon, but start differing with
higher dimensions? Maybe we can find two different words for solid
intersection and non-solid intersection operations, and then one of them
will be GEOS and another CGAL?

Darafei Praliaskouski
Support me: http://patreon.com/komzpa
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