[postgis-devel] [postgis-tickets] r16847 - Revise postgis_extensions_upgrade to repackage raster if it finds it unpackaged. Revise unpackage notice to say to give instruction to call the postgis_extensions_upgrade function and repackage.

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Wed Oct 10 06:07:44 PDT 2018

On Sat, Sep 29, 2018 at 11:03:11PM -0400, Regina Obe wrote:

> Everyone else, gets the raster extensions automatically packaged and upgraded with a notice they can drop the extension if they don't want it.
> That way running:
> SELECT postgis_extensions_upgrade();
> Will work for everyone.

I'm thinking... how about having `postgis_extensions_upgrade()`
always package unpackaged postgis scripts ?

As I'm still uncomfortable with it doing repackaging for
raster and not for others...

Rationale would be: if you want to "upgrade PostGIS extensions"
(as the function name implies) then you do want PostGIS installed
as "extension"...

What do you think ?


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