[postgis-devel] Can we put back GEOS 3.5 support in 3.0?

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Wed Jan 23 15:15:48 PST 2019

> One of these days I'm going to propose that QGIS just bundles the
> whole of the latest GEOS stable release inside the QGIS repo (maybe as
> a git submodule) so that we're guaranteed to have the very latest GEOS
> release alongside QGIS. It's honestly the only way forward that I can
> see working. Maybe PostGIS should consider the same...

Beware of runtime clashes if you do that.
Imagine that QGIS builds against its GEOS-latest, and also links against GDAL 
from the distribution which links against GEOS-older. Runtime crash is ensured 
/ likely, at least on Linux due to how the dynamic loader works by agressively 
using previously loaded symbols (that is it might make function A of GEOS-
latest call function B of GEOS-older if GEOS-older was loaded before)

In GDAL we had similar situation a few years ago when the bundled libtiff in 
GDAL was libtiff 4.X and most distributions shipped with libtiff 3.X. To 
isolate things, the bundled copy in GDAL renames symbols (which was done with 
a "#define foo GDALfoo" trick for all non-hidden symbols).


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services

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