[postgis-devel] PostGIS 3.0.0 alpha2 in about a week or less?

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Fri May 31 06:43:26 PDT 2019

Version numbers are free, I don't have any particular objection as
long as nobody gets all up in my grill telling me "stop changing
things, we're on our fifth alpha", because I still have Things To Do.

On Thu, May 30, 2019 at 6:01 PM Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us> wrote:
> How do people feel about having an alpha2?  Paul http://blog.cleverelephant.ca/2019/05/parallel-postgis-4.html made recent fixes (after the alpha1) to PostGIS 3.0.0 that makes a lot of parallelism work now that wasn’t working because of some required change to the support function use.
> I was thinking to get that out quickly like perhaps as early as this weekend?  Or should we wait another week or so for more changes to roll in.
> Thanks,
> Regina
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