[postgis-devel] RFC 6 - Move from SVN to Git MOTION PASSES

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Sun Oct 27 13:37:17 PDT 2019

On Sun, Oct 27, 2019 at 04:20:51PM -0400, Regina Obe wrote:
> https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/wiki/MoveToGit
> strk -  you had a lot on the todo I hadn't added.  Can you add it?

I did most of it already.
The only things left from my list:

  [/] Update PostGIS manual to reflect new situation
      (done some of it, probably needs more)

  [ ] Grant current postgis committers write access to the GIT
      repository. We have 7 committers listed so far:

  [ ] Announce change to postgis-users ?

One thing from your list I didn't have is the moving of mirroring
scripts from my own machine to OSGeo. We currently have 3 mirrors:

   - gitea.com
   - gitlab.com
   - github.com

2/3 of the above do support mirroring natively, guess which of 
those three do not ? Yes, you got it: github.com ... they want
to be the _official_ one, can't accept to be just a mirror!

Now, GitLab does support PUSHING to a remote mirror, so one idea
could be to setup the GitLab mirror to pull from gitea.osgeo.org
and push to github.com. I like this idea so that github is last
in the chain ... what do others think about it ?


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