[postgis-devel] Inconsistencies in text output

rmrodriguez at carto.com rmrodriguez at carto.com
Fri Apr 10 07:07:23 PDT 2020

Hi everyone,

Lately I've been trying to improve the performance of output functions
and one of the areas where I got a massive (5x) improvement was
anything that output text (ST_AsText, ST_AsGeoJSON and so on) but the
implementation that I introduced for 3.1 has multiple hacks to keep
the output almost exactly the same as it was for 3.0.

Although most output functions have a `maxdecimaldigits` parameter
that represents `maximum number of decimal digits after floating
point` there are multiple cases where this isn't respected. Some

Select ST_AsText(ST_MakePoint(123456789012.1234567890123, 0), 4);
POINT(123456789012.123459 0)
The number should have 4 digits, but has 6.

Select ST_AsText(ST_MakePoint(0, 92114.013999999996), 15);
POINT(0 92114.014)

Select ST_AsText(ST_MakePoint(0, 92114.013999999996), 20);
POINT(0 92114.013999999995576)

This number has a significant digit on the 12th decimal digits, but
it's not shown if you request 15 decimal digits. But it is shown if
you request 20 decimal digits.

On the other hand, it doesn't work with ST_AsGeoJSON because it's
limited internally:
Select ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_MakePoint(0, 92114.013999999996), 20);

So I want to propose some changes to unify the behaviour of all
functions that output coordinates. They aren't big changes but the
output of multiple regression tests will change, thus 3.0 and 3.1
output will change in some cases too; but I think it's worth it as we
get rid of bugs and we uniformize the output of all functions.

The rules would be like this:
- For (absolute) values under FP_TOLERANCE, we keep returning '0'.
- For big numbers (absolute value bigger than 1E15), we keep the
current behaviour and maintain the decimal digits to 8 - length of the
decimal part (it's odd but I don't see the need to change it).
- For smaller numbers:
  - The integer part is always printed in full (no changes).
  - The decimal part is always printed up to precision digits
(removing trailing zeros).
  - The decimal digit precision is capped between 0 and 20. This is
more than enough to guarantee round trip (double -> text -> same
double) and it allows us to know the max size of a double (so we can
keep the static allocations) as sign + 15 integer digits + "." + 20
decimal digits + "NULL".

I'm going to draft a PR with the changes, but any comment is more than
welcome before I push a change like this.

Raúl Marín Rodríguez

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