[postgis-devel] So Many Tests...

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Fri Dec 4 04:12:50 PST 2020

On Thu, Dec 03, 2020 at 02:27:16PM -0800, Paul Ramsey wrote:
> What is it about the 'upgrade from unpackaged' test that causes it to not have a fillled-in copy of spatial_ref_sys?
> https://cloud.drone.io/postgis/postgis/1648/1/2

It looks like being unpackaged2.5 --> 3.1.0dev
You can reproduce with:

  regress/run_test.pl \
    --extension \
    --upgrade \
    --upgrade-path unpackaged2.5--3.1.0dev \

The run_test.pl should be loading spatial_ref_sys.sql from
the `pg_config --sharedir`/contrib/postgis-2.5 directory.

If spatial_ref_sys is empty it's either because the installation
of 2.5 is broken OR some previous test truncated it.


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