[postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Add Phillip Ross to PostGIS Docker Hub org

Yuri Astrakhan yuriastrakhan at gmail.com
Tue Feb 4 10:32:01 PST 2020

P.S. This also raises a question -- can Postgis be published via the
official channel as well -- this way it can be used without a prefix, i.e.
 "docker run postgis"  instead of   "docker run postgis/postgis"

https://github.com/docker-library/postgres is the postgres repository.

On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 1:29 PM Yuri Astrakhan <yuriastrakhan at gmail.com>

> On Tue, Feb 4, 2020 at 12:44 PM Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca>
> wrote:
>> Is there an “official postgres image” we layer on, or is this something
>> else? Does it layer on a particular linux image?
>  It relies on two "official" (Docker-community maintained) docker images -
> postgres:<version> and postgres-alpine:<version> -- see
> https://hub.docker.com/_/postgres .  The non-alpine
> uses debian:stretch-slim as the base image.
> The dockerfile example references:
> *
> https://github.com/appropriate/docker-postgis/blob/master/11-2.5/Dockerfile#L1
> *
> https://github.com/appropriate/docker-postgis/blob/master/11-2.5/alpine/Dockerfile#L1
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