[postgis-devel] About EXTENSION from UNPACKAGED on PostgreSQL 13

Stephen Frost sfrost at snowman.net
Wed Feb 26 07:28:11 PST 2020


* Sandro Santilli (strk at kbt.io) wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 25, 2020 at 03:27:39PM -0500, Stephen Frost wrote:
> > * Sandro Santilli (strk at kbt.io) wrote:
> > 
> > >   2. Is it possible for `CREATE EXTENSION postgis` to do
> > >      the packaging if needed ?
> > 
> > I don't understand these questions..
> When someone has postgis objects installed via
> scripts (not via extension), can CREATE EXTENSION
> technically mark those objects as being part of
> an extension instead ? That's exactly what
> `FROM UNPACKAGED` does at the moment. The question
> is: is it legit to do so from CREATE EXTENSION ?

The reason that we removed that ability from PG, as planned for v13, is
that it's inherently dangerous to do that...  it's also clearly rife for
abuse when combined with the trusted extension concept which allows
non-superusers to install extensions that have C code.


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