[postgis-devel] 3.1.0alpha2 test report

rmrodriguez at carto.com rmrodriguez at carto.com
Wed Jul 29 04:55:31 PDT 2020


On Wed, Jul 29, 2020 at 12:08 AM Greg Troxel <gdt at lexort.com> wrote:
> Compared to 3.0.1, other than the usual bunch of upgrade scripts from/to
> new versions, the set of installed files changed little, with two
> withdrawals:

Yes, those were removed on purpose (https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/4579).

> It built fine.  Tests crashed on me, testing the not-yet-installed
> package, and then I installed it and they still crashed the same way.
> I must have run tests on 3.0.1 when I updated, or I would not have
> committed it.  But rebuilding 3.0.1 and running tests now, it crashes.
> I will look into this; it looks like a proj problem.

I agree that it looks like a proj issue. Its API changed in version
6+, so I'd try to make sure it's doing a clean build and compiling and
linking against the same proj release (if you have multiple of them

Raúl Marín Rodríguez

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