[postgis-devel] PostGIS 3 and MobilityDB

'Sandro Santilli' strk at kbt.io
Fri Jul 9 04:56:20 PDT 2021

On Fri, Jul 09, 2021 at 02:50:06AM -0400, Regina Obe wrote:
> Regarding  your note to Bas question earlier why you can't use librtopo
> -- Your note ---
> * This would require a HUGE work to change all over the MobilityDB code <liblwgeom_function> -> <librttopo_function>
> * Not all liblwgeom functions are implemented in librttopo, for example the azimuth_pt_pt function that I have used in the examples of this thread.
> -- End your note --
> The first note it's my understanding that all the librttopo functions are the same as liblwgeom but with rt_ in front to prevent conflict with PostGIS so not sure why this is huge work if you are only using about 10 of them.
> The second I do see the azimuth_pt_pt  code defined in librttopo, but looks like it isn't exposed
> https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/rttopo/librttopo/src/branch/master/src/measures.c#L2271
> Sandro,
> Is there a reason that wasn't exposed?

Nope, probably just because it wasn't needed by the funder of that work.

> Seems trivial enough though that you could just reimplement in MobilityDB.

Or they can send a pull request for inclusion in next librttopo release.


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