[postgis-devel] RFC versus Direct Action

Paul Ramsey pramsey at cleverelephant.ca
Tue Feb 8 11:53:44 PST 2022

I think there are places where an RFC is called for, and the spatial ref sys view work is one where it would have been much appreciated. I do not particularly enjoy being the "bad guy" and the guy who is saying "yes, you have spatial a couple weeks sweating over this but I still think it's a bad idea and you shouldn't have" is more-or-less definitionally the bad guy. A role I would not have had to take on, had this been brought forward as an RFC prior to dumping a bunch of effort into it. I also would not have to make this my sudden priority, and presumably now generate alternate code in order to match up to Sandro's "yes, you have an idea, but I have code" position in this tete a tete.


It's too late to wind back the situation, since the time has already been spent and the layout is as it is, but I do feel unnecessarily backed into a corner and throwing up my hands and saying "oh, heck, whatever" seems like a non-optimal place for me to be vis a vis the project, psychologically.


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