[postgis-devel] postgis_letters in project tree?

Martin Davis mtnclimb at gmail.com
Thu Jan 27 15:17:53 PST 2022

It would also be easy to whip up a Java app to dump out TTF fonts as WKT or
GeoJSON, using the JTS FontGlyphReader class (as shown in the following


On Thu, Jan 27, 2022 at 3:00 PM Bruce Rindahl <bruce.rindahl at gmail.com>

> Looking at the code I would propose the following as a process if someone
> wants a different font.
> Convert TTF to SVG via Batik
> Run my python script to convert the SVG to SQL
> Using Regina's postgis_letters extension, load the SQL into the font table
> Using whatever Paul did to generate the function (I assume you did it with
> a single SELECT statement) generate the new function
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