[postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Get rid of upgrade paths from 2.0 - 2.3 for PostGIS 3.5+

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Tue Aug 22 12:19:10 PDT 2023

> My view is that almost all uses of successful software are via a packaging
> system.  Of course developers of each piece  almost never use
> that software via packaging.   So we really need to try hard to think of
> the flow from
>   source control
>   release tarballs
>   binary packages from packaging systems
>   users with the pacakge installed and no source code
> when considering how things work.

I concur.  Sandro I don't think packagers can ever not install the scripts.
I'd rather inconvenience single developers to have to do 


than I would to inconvenience packagers who are already juggling 20 or more
packages to remember this behavior changed in PostGIS.

My feeling is still we should just drop 2.0 - 2.4 postgis versions.
Even if those scripts are shipped by packagers, users will have a hard time
symlinking the .lib  files than creating a copy of those blank scripts.

As the last guy was struggling to do here -

Keep in mind, most distros just carry one version of PostGIS for each
version of PostgreSQL, so if you are not on PostGIS 3 series already you are
going to have a hard-time upgrading anyway.



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