[postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Circle CI signup for Free plan

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Aug 22 12:29:03 PDT 2023

FYI, OSGeo already pays for Travis-CI and there are arm64 or 
arm64-graviton2 Linux VMs there that we use for GDAL and PROJ. However 
the constraint is that the github repo must be hosted under the OSGeo 


Le 22/08/2023 à 21:04, Regina Obe a écrit :
> So it seems Github CI does not support ARM yet.
> The docker-postgis sub-group wants to start shipping ARM docker containers
> and the easiest route for that would be to use CircleCI.
> CicleCI does have a free tier for open source usage -
> https://circleci.com/docs/credits/#open-source-credit-usage
> Haven't check how much we get for that.
> I'm assuming we get 6000 build minutes for that -
> https://circleci.com/pricing/
> It isn't so pressing for PostGIS core project to use it since we already
> have ARM testing via the Berrie and Berrie64
> We also have Cirrhus already testing for MacOS and FreeBSD (though that
> needs to be beefed up to reenable the postgis_topology extension for MacOS)
> +1  for signing up for Circle CI
> Also if anyone has any comments about Circle CI, I'm all ears.
> Thanks,
> Regina
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