[postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Circle CI signup for Free plan

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Fri Aug 25 15:18:52 PDT 2023



Thanks for taking the lead on the docker-postgis work.  It’s been great to see it flourish under your guidance.


Regarding Cirrus – we are already using that for postgis repo for testing MacOSX / FreeBSD.

I think we are already overtaxed on that so I’m fine with not using that for the docker-postgis repo.


I think our still best bet is to use CircleCI and use the work you have already put in it already in your tests and I think the


“Open source projects can access up to 400,000 credits per month (equivalent to 80,000 build minutes) to use on Linux, Arm, and Docker.”


Should be enough for our needs. The credits do seem more generous than Cirrus as I recall.

Travis was suggested as an option too by Even, but I think that is a no-go too since it would be more work to retool to work with that,

and moving the docker-postgis repo from postgis github org to osgeo github org, I see no benefit at this time in doing. 

OSGeo org might make sense though for the geo bundle you were detailing since pgrouting, MobilityDB, and PostGIS are all OSGeo projects or community projects.


Both pgRouting and MobilityDB are still community projects, but pgrouting I think we are close to completing incubation work. 

MobilityDB still has a ways to go, but is still an OSGeo community project.


That said, I’ll give people one more week to express comments about this topic before I move forward with it.





From: postgis-devel <postgis-devel-bounces at lists.osgeo.org> On Behalf Of Imre Samu
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2023 2:34 PM
To: PostGIS Development Discussion <postgis-devel at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject: Re: [postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Circle CI signup for Free plan


Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us <mailto:lr at pcorp.us> > ezt írta (időpont: 2023. aug. 22., K, 21:04)

The docker-postgis sub-group wants to start shipping ARM docker containers
and the easiest route for that would be to use CircleCI.


I'm currently working on expanding the docker-postgis code.

One of the most requested features right now by users is the Arm64/v8 (Aarch64) based postgis docker image.

( https://github.com/postgis/docker-postgis/issues/216  )

I've already built a working prototype on CircleCI. 
For further testing, we need to decide if we're going with this or if we need a different solution.

Comment: Because we need to give CircleCI access to Docker Hub for this, 

and we want to keep the process secure, it wouldn't be ideal to use our own developer accounts to create the images.


Some other updates I'm working on:

- Adding 'bookworm' support while maintaining existing 'bullseye' support.  ( 15-3.4-bookworm , 15-3.4-bullseye )

  Later, we'll also support 2 alpine versions, similar to the upstream docker postgres repo we're building on. 

- We'll have expanded docker image tagging. (15-3.4-bookworm, 15-3.4.0-bookworm, 15-3.4, latest )

- To keep the base postgis/postgis images small, I'm planning simple Debian-based (geo)bundle images built on them, 

  with features like pgRouting, MobilityDB, pg_h3, pgsql-gzip, pgsql-http, ogr-fdw, pointcloud, TimescaleDB, pgvector, etc. This area is still fluid though.

  ( 15-3.4-bundle-bookworm  )


I've got a minimal working prototype:

- docker images: https://hub.docker.com/r/imresamu/postgis

- code: https://github.com/ImreSamu/docker-postgis


I'm trying to expand the system so that if there's demand, we can easily create older Postgis versions like 3.3, 3.2, 3.1 based on Alpine.

I'm also thinking about a weekly auto-updated "postgis/postgis:*-master" version to support testing of other osgeos projects built on postgis.

CircleCI provides about 80,000 build minutes/month for open source. This should likely cover the docker-postgis sub-project's needs.

My developer account on CircleCI also received the same amount of open source credits/minutes.


In the https://circleci.com/pricing/ FAQ:

What if I am building open-source?

CircleCI offers free access to compute time and resources for organizations on our Free plan. 

Open source projects can access up to 400,000 credits per month (equivalent to 80,000 build minutes) to use on Linux, Arm, and Docker.
Open source Windows and macOS builds or private repositories can use the 30,000 credits offered in our free plan.
If you are building a bigger open source project and would like the flexibility of our new plans, let us know how we can help you!
+ https://circleci.com/open-source/ 



Another Arm64 Alternative: https://cirrus-ci.org/features/   https://cirrus-ci.org/blog/2023/07/17/limiting-free-usage-of-cirrus-ci/

 I haven't tested it, but it seems promising.


And there are other CI providers: https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/CI_Providers


If you have any related questions, I'm here to help.



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