[postgis-devel] Proj 9.2

Greg Troxel gdt at lexort.com
Mon Jun 19 16:20:27 PDT 2023

Paul Ramsey <pramsey at cleverelephant.ca> writes:

> Has the proj project provided any guidance to packagers?

The situation is difficult, as the option "include all the grids in a
proj-data package", while doable today, is becoming harder and harder.
I understand the desire to download what is needed, but I also see it as
a bright line that systems should be usable without the net.   So that
leads to

  install proj, don't install proj-data: fault grids in

  install proj, install proj-data: have it locally, prohibit net use

the third way is

  install proj, don't let it download by default, fail if missing


  "make the admin decide what to get and fix and then start over"

which is geodetically sound, network safe, and very annoying.

Basically the set of grids is so big you have to pick your poison and
there are no all-around great answers.

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