[postgis-devel] DMARC/DKIM mitigation on maling lists

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Wed Oct 25 09:23:05 PDT 2023

> I wonder then if there is an easy way to configure your system to change
> or display something differently.  It's obviously technically feasible for
an MUA to
> have a "if list-id: matches foo, then add bar to displayed subject", and
> wouldn't result in bogus/dangerous From:
> lines.
> (I use gnus, which has an extensive concept of "washing to modify the
display of
> messages to be what the user wants to see".)
> I should be clear that I don't care that much if there is a subject tag.
> What I find not ok is to have an incorrect From: field.

Hmm this message is weird, has my display name when I reply but the
postgis-devel email address.  I don't like this.  
This is a new thing right?

I'm not sure what keeping/removing the subject prefix has to do with
DMARC/DKIM compliance or whatever strk is trying to fix.
It seemed to me like a thing strk decided to throw in  "While I'm fixing
this, might as well get rid of the subject headers which I hate".

Strk -- I don't care what you do with postgis-tickets cause I'm not
subscribed to that mailing list.
So if you really don't like the subject line in postgis-tickets, yes go
ahead and remove it.  But  I'd rather you not do that with mailing lists I
do read.

If you plan to do something - please propose as a PSC vote item before
moving forward.  This to me is not a trivial thing.


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