[postgis-devel] DMARC/DKIM mitigation on maling lists

'Sandro Santilli' strk at kbt.io
Thu Oct 26 00:43:44 PDT 2023

On Wed, Oct 25, 2023 at 12:23:05PM -0400, Regina Obe via postgis-devel wrote:
> Hmm this message is weird, has my display name when I reply but the
> postgis-devel email address.  I don't like this.  
> This is a new thing right?

It's one of the things we did to work around the issue being the
subject of this email, having to do with mail servers not liking
to receive mail from people (like in this case YOU) that do not
look like the sender (YOU) wrote them.

Since we add a subject prefix and add a body footer the mail is not
as it was written by yourself, it's "tainted", so we changed Mailman
to take responsibility of the written mail and just report that
the mail was originally written by you but it's not your email.

Going back to delivering your email, untouched, is the direction to
which I'm proposing to move.

> I'm not sure what keeping/removing the subject prefix has to do with
> DMARC/DKIM compliance or whatever strk is trying to fix.

The explanation above should tell.

> It seemed to me like a thing strk decided to throw in  "While I'm fixing
> this, might as well get rid of the subject headers which I hate".

Actually no, as my MUA [1] is perfectly capable of removing the
subject prefix [2] if and when and where I don't want to see it.

[1] http://www.mutt.org
[2] http://www.mutt.org/doc/manual/#ex-subjectrx

> Strk -- I don't care what you do with postgis-tickets cause I'm not
> subscribed to that mailing list.

That's why I was starting there (and it's now done).

> If you plan to do something - please propose as a PSC vote item before
> moving forward.  This to me is not a trivial thing.

I like discussing before voting, let's have a test with postgis-tickets
and maybe we'll extend the test to other list ?

Ideally someone using DKIM/DMARC to send mail will be able to evaluate
effects of that change.


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  Libre GIS consultant/developer

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