[postgis-devel] PSC Vote: Drop support for GEOS 3.7 in PostGIS 3.5.0

Regina Obe lr at pcorp.us
Tue Oct 31 15:35:46 PDT 2023

After some rumination, given it's been a really long time since we've
dropped a GEOS version, let's drop GEOS 3.7 as well.

That would mean removing one Github Action cycle.

And if GEOS 3.7 is done, we should upgrade dronie/woodie testing to GEOS

Right now it seems we are short on GEOS 3.10 tests so seems a good place for
dronie and woodie to stake their claim.

GHA is testing 3.8, 3.9., 3.10, 3.12, 3.13

Debbie/Winnie/Berries I think are all testing GEOS main - 3.13

I think a good rule of thumb, is that our in-development PostGIS should
support only non-EOL'd GEOS.  As to whether we support all or some, I guess
would be a debatable question.

+1 to drop GEOS 3.7 as well.

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