Implementation of topology-network approach

Pierre HARDY pierre.hardy5 at
Tue Nov 19 06:22:49 PST 2024

Hello PostGIS devs,

It seems that "postgis_topology" extension does not support
topology-network approach.
Here are my sources:

   1. What is topology-network:
   2. Source no1 indicating that Postgis does not support topology-network
   3. Source no2 indicating that Postgis does not support topology-network
   approach: => p253

"Before we start working with topology, we need to discuss the key concepts
behind the PostGIS topological data model. PostGIS topology implementation
is based on ISO standard 13249 - Information technology - Database
languages - SQL multimedia and application packages - Part 3: Spatial. The
standard name is often abbreviated as ISO SQL/MM. This standard defines two
data models for topology: TopoGeometry and TopoNetwork; PostGIS implements
only the former."

I could verify this by testing on a basic local setup with QGIS and *Postgis
version 3.3*.
I guess this feature was not added since.

I did not found any issues regarding this missing feature.

Is an issue already openned to request this new feature or should I create
one ?

Best regards,
Pierre HARDY
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