ERROR: Could not add geog_brin_inclusion_merge to brin_geography_inclusion_ops..null value in column "refobjid" (Re: Do you use PostGIS BRIN?)

Justin Pryzby pryzby at
Sun Mar 2 14:24:23 PST 2025

On Sun, Mar 02, 2025 at 04:52:48PM -0500, lr at wrote:
> I've ticketed this issue here:
> I'm going to try to revise the upgrade script to account for this scenario.
> Can you do me a favor, send me the output of this from your problem
> database:
> SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_opclass WHERE opcname ILIKE 'brin%';

The DB where we hit the error says:

ts=# SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_opclass WHERE opcname ILIKE 'brin%';
  oid  | opcmethod |            opcname             | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype 
 17704 |      3580 | brin_geometry_inclusion_ops_2d |         2200 |       10 |     17694 |     16419 | t          |      16454
 17716 |      3580 | brin_geometry_inclusion_ops_3d |         2200 |       10 |     17712 |     16419 | f          |      16458
 17726 |      3580 | brin_geometry_inclusion_ops_4d |         2200 |       10 |     17722 |     16419 | f          |      16458
(3 rows)

And the 2nd instance I mentioned which has no
opcname='brin_geography_inclusion_ops' says:

ts=# SELECT * FROM pg_catalog.pg_opclass WHERE opcname ILIKE 'brin%';
 oid | opcmethod | opcname | opcnamespace | opcowner | opcfamily | opcintype | opcdefault | opckeytype 
(0 rows)


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