[postgis-tickets] r17489 - Perl tidy over postgis_proc_upgrade.pl
raul at rmr.ninja
Tue Jun 11 03:20:39 PDT 2019
Author: algunenano
Date: 2019-06-11 03:20:39 -0700 (Tue, 11 Jun 2019)
New Revision: 17489
Perl tidy over postgis_proc_upgrade.pl
To match PostgreSQL convenctions I've used
perltidy -b -bl -nsfs -naws -l=100 -ole=unix postgis_proc_upgrade.pl
Closes #4352
Modified: trunk/utils/postgis_proc_upgrade.pl
--- trunk/utils/postgis_proc_upgrade.pl 2019-06-11 10:18:21 UTC (rev 17488)
+++ trunk/utils/postgis_proc_upgrade.pl 2019-06-11 10:20:39 UTC (rev 17489)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
eval "exec perl -w $0 $@"
- if (0);
+ if (0);
use strict;
use warnings;
@@ -41,30 +41,32 @@
sub parse_last_updated
- my $comment = shift;
- if ( $comment =~ m/.*(?:Availability|Changed|Updated):\s([^\.])\.([^.]*)/s ) {
- return $1*100 + $2;
- }
- return 0;
+ my $comment = shift;
+ if ( $comment =~ m/.*(?:Availability|Changed|Updated):\s([^\.])\.([^.]*)/s )
+ {
+ return $1*100 + $2;
+ }
+ return 0;
sub parse_missing
- my $comment = shift;
- my @missing = ();
- if ( $comment =~ m/.*(?:Missing in):\s([^\.])\.([^.]*)/s ) {
- push(@missing, $1*100 + $2);
- }
- return join(',', at missing);
+ my $comment = shift;
+ my @missing = ();
+ if ( $comment =~ m/.*(?:Missing in):\s([^\.])\.([^.]*)/s )
+ {
+ push(@missing, $1*100 + $2);
+ }
+ return join(',', at missing);
# Commandline argument handling
-($#ARGV == 0) ||
-die "Usage: perl postgis_proc_upgrade.pl <postgis.sql> <version_from> [<schema>]\nCreates a new SQL script to upgrade all of the PostGIS functions.\n"
- if ( @ARGV < 1 || @ARGV > 3 );
+($#ARGV == 0)
+ ||die
+"Usage: perl postgis_proc_upgrade.pl <postgis.sql> <version_from> [<schema>]\nCreates a new SQL script to upgrade all of the PostGIS functions.\n"
+ if ( @ARGV < 1 || @ARGV > 3 );
my $sql_file = $ARGV[0];
my $module = 'postgis';
@@ -77,7 +79,7 @@
$schema = $ARGV[2] if @ARGV > 2;
die "Unable to open input SQL file $sql_file\n"
- if ( ! -f $sql_file );
+ if ( !-f $sql_file );
# Search the SQL file for the target version number (the
@@ -86,36 +88,37 @@
open( INPUT, $sql_file ) || die "Couldn't open file: $sql_file\n";
- #
- # Since 1.1.0 scripts/lib/release versions are the same
- #
- if (/INSTALL VERSION: (.*)/)
- {
- $version_to = $1;
- #last;
- }
- elsif (/TYPE raster/)
- {
+ #
+ # Since 1.1.0 scripts/lib/release versions are the same
+ #
+ if (/INSTALL VERSION: (.*)/)
+ {
+ $version_to = $1;
+ #last;
+ }
+ elsif (/TYPE raster/)
+ {
$module = 'postgis_raster';
- }
- elsif (m@('\$libdir/[^']*')@)
- {
+ }
+ elsif (m@('\$libdir/[^']*')@)
+ {
$soname = $1;
- }
+ }
die "Unable to locate target new version number in $sql_file\n"
- if( ! $version_to );
+ if( !$version_to );
if ( $version_to =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\..*/ )
- $version_to = $1 . "." . $2;
- $version_to_num = 100 * $1 + $2;
+ $version_to = $1 . "." . $2;
+ $version_to_num = 100 * $1 + $2;
- die "Version to number invalid, must be of form X.X.X\n";
+ die "Version to number invalid, must be of form X.X.X\n";
print qq{
@@ -136,9 +139,9 @@
- s/NEWVERSION/$version_to/g;
- s/MODULE/$module/g;
- print;
+ s/NEWVERSION/$version_to/g;
+ s/MODULE/$module/g;
+ print;
@@ -151,53 +154,55 @@
- if ( /^\-\-/ ) {
- $comment .= $_;
- next;
- }
+ if (/^\-\-/)
+ {
+ $comment .= $_;
+ next;
+ }
- #
- # Allow through deprecations from postgis_drop.sql
- #
- print if ( /^drop function /i );
- print if ( /^drop aggregate /i );
+ #
+ # Allow through deprecations from postgis_drop.sql
+ #
+ print if (/^drop function /i);
+ print if (/^drop aggregate /i);
- if ( /^create or replace function/i )
- {
- print $_;
- my $endfunc = 0;
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- print $_;
- $endfunc = 1 if /^\s*(\$\$\s*)?LANGUAGE /;
- last if ( $endfunc && /\;/ );
- }
- }
+ if (/^create or replace function/i)
+ {
+ print $_;
+ my $endfunc = 0;
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ print $_;
+ $endfunc = 1 if /^\s*(\$\$\s*)?LANGUAGE /;
+ last if ( $endfunc && /\;/ );
+ }
+ }
- if ( /^create type (\w+)/i )
- {
- my $newtype = $1;
- my $def .= $_;
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- $def .= $_;
- last if /\)/;
- }
+ if (/^create type (\w+)/i)
+ {
+ my $newtype = $1;
+ my $def .= $_;
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ $def .= $_;
+ last if /\)/;
+ }
- my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
- if ( ! $last_updated ) {
- die "ERROR: no last updated info for type '${newtype}'\n";
- }
- my $missing = parse_missing($comment);
- print "-- Type ${newtype} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
- print <<"EOF";
+ my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
+ if ( !$last_updated )
+ {
+ die "ERROR: no last updated info for type '${newtype}'\n";
+ }
+ my $missing = parse_missing($comment);
+ print "-- Type ${newtype} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
+ print <<"EOF";
DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
IF $last_updated > version_from_num
- print "OR version_from_num IN ( ${missing} )" if ( $missing );
- print <<"EOF";
+ print "OR version_from_num IN ( ${missing} )" if ($missing);
+ print <<"EOF";
FROM _postgis_upgrade_info
EXECUTE \$postgis_proc_upgrade_parsed_def\$ $def \$postgis_proc_upgrade_parsed_def\$;
@@ -205,68 +210,73 @@
- }
- if ( /^do *language .*\$\$/i )
- {
- print;
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- print;
- last if /\$\$/;
- }
- }
- # This code handles casts by dropping and recreating them.
- if ( /^create cast\s+\(\s*(\w+)\s+as\s+(\w+)\)/i )
- {
- my $type1 = $1;
- my $type2 = $2;
- my $def = $_;
- unless (/;$/) {
- while(<INPUT>) {
- $def .= $_;
- last if /;$/;
- }
- print "DROP CAST IF EXISTS ($type1 AS $type2);\n";
- print $def;
- }
- # This code handles aggregates by dropping and recreating them.
- # For PG12 use REPLACE instead
- if ( /^create aggregate\s+([^(]+)\s*\(/i )
- {
- my $aggname = $1;
- #print "-- Aggname ${aggname}\n";
- my $aggtype = 'unknown';
- my $def = $_;
- if ( /^create aggregate\s+\S+\s*\(([^)]*)\)/i ) {
- $aggtype = $1;
- $aggtype =~ s/\s*,\s*/,/g; # drop spaces around commas
- $aggtype =~ s/\s\s*/ /g; # collapse multiple spaces into one
+ if (/^do *language .*\$\$/i)
+ {
+ print;
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ print;
+ last if /\$\$/;
+ }
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- $def .= $_;
- $aggtype = $1 if ( /basetype\s*=\s*([^,]*)\s*,/i );
- last if /\);/;
- }
- my $aggsig = "$aggname($aggtype)";
- #print "-- Checking comment $comment\n";
- my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
- if ( ! $last_updated ) {
- die "ERROR: no last updated info for aggregate '${aggsig}'\n";
+ # This code handles casts by dropping and recreating them.
+ if (/^create cast\s+\(\s*(\w+)\s+as\s+(\w+)\)/i)
+ {
+ my $type1 = $1;
+ my $type2 = $2;
+ my $def = $_;
+ unless (/;$/)
+ {
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ $def .= $_;
+ last if /;$/;
+ }
+ }
+ print "DROP CAST IF EXISTS ($type1 AS $type2);\n";
+ print $def;
- if ($pg12_def eq "")
+ # This code handles aggregates by dropping and recreating them.
+ # For PG12 use REPLACE instead
+ if (/^create aggregate\s+([^(]+)\s*\(/i)
- $pg12_def = "RAISE EXCEPTION 'Could not parse AGGREGATE'"
- }
- print "-- Aggregate ${aggsig} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
- print <<"EOF";
+ my $aggname = $1;
+ #print "-- Aggname ${aggname}\n";
+ my $aggtype = 'unknown';
+ my $def = $_;
+ if (/^create aggregate\s+\S+\s*\(([^)]*)\)/i)
+ {
+ $aggtype = $1;
+ $aggtype =~ s/\s*,\s*/,/g; # drop spaces around commas
+ $aggtype =~ s/\s\s*/ /g; # collapse multiple spaces into one
+ }
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ $def .= $_;
+ $aggtype = $1 if (/basetype\s*=\s*([^,]*)\s*,/i);
+ last if /\);/;
+ }
+ my $aggsig = "$aggname($aggtype)";
+ #print "-- Checking comment $comment\n";
+ my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
+ if ( !$last_updated )
+ {
+ die "ERROR: no last updated info for aggregate '${aggsig}'\n";
+ }
+ if ($pg12_def eq "")
+ {
+ $pg12_def = "RAISE EXCEPTION 'Could not parse AGGREGATE'";
+ }
+ print "-- Aggregate ${aggsig} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
+ print <<"EOF";
DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
@@ -283,30 +293,31 @@
- }
+ }
- # This code handles operators by creating them if needed
- if ( /^create operator\s+(\S+)\s*\(/i )
- {
- my $opname = $1;
- my $opleft = 'unknown';
- my $opright = 'unknown';
- my $def = $_;
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- $def .= $_;
- $opleft = $1 if ( /leftarg\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*,/i );
- $opright = $1 if ( /rightarg\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*,/i );
- last if /\);/;
- }
- my $opsig = $opleft . " " . $opname . " " . $opright;
+ # This code handles operators by creating them if needed
+ if (/^create operator\s+(\S+)\s*\(/i)
+ {
+ my $opname = $1;
+ my $opleft = 'unknown';
+ my $opright = 'unknown';
+ my $def = $_;
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ $def .= $_;
+ $opleft = $1 if (/leftarg\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*,/i);
+ $opright = $1 if (/rightarg\s*=\s*(\w+)\s*,/i);
+ last if /\);/;
+ }
+ my $opsig = $opleft . " " . $opname . " " . $opright;
- my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
- if ( ! $last_updated ) {
- die "WARNING: no last updated info for operator '${opsig}'\n";
- }
- print "-- Operator ${opsig} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
- print <<"EOF";
+ my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
+ if ( !$last_updated )
+ {
+ die "WARNING: no last updated info for operator '${opsig}'\n";
+ }
+ print "-- Operator ${opsig} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
+ print <<"EOF";
DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
@@ -332,62 +343,64 @@
- }
+ }
- # Always output create ore replace view (see ticket #1097)
- if ( /^create or replace view\s+(\S+)\s*/i )
- {
- print;
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- print;
- last if /\;\s*$/;
- }
- }
+ # Always output create ore replace view (see ticket #1097)
+ if (/^create or replace view\s+(\S+)\s*/i)
+ {
+ print;
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ print;
+ last if /\;\s*$/;
+ }
+ }
- # Always output grant permissions (see ticket #3680)
- if ( /^grant select\s+(\S+)\s*/i )
- {
- print;
- if ( ! /\;\s*$/) {
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- print;
- last if /\;\s*$/;
- }
- }
- }
+ # Always output grant permissions (see ticket #3680)
+ if (/^grant select\s+(\S+)\s*/i)
+ {
+ print;
+ if ( !/\;\s*$/)
+ {
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ print;
+ last if /\;\s*$/;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- # Always output create ore replace rule
- if ( /^create or replace rule\s+(\S+)\s*/i )
- {
- print;
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- print;
- last if /\;\s*$/;
- }
- }
+ # Always output create ore replace rule
+ if (/^create or replace rule\s+(\S+)\s*/i)
+ {
+ print;
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ print;
+ last if /\;\s*$/;
+ }
+ }
- # This code handles operator family by creating them if we are doing a major upgrade
- if ( /^create operator family\s+(\w+)\s+USING\s+(\w+)\s*/i )
- {
- my $opfname = $1;
- my $amname = $2;
- my $def = $_;
- my $opfsig = $opfname . " " . $amname;
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- $def .= $_;
- last if /\);/;
- }
+ # This code handles operator family by creating them if we are doing a major upgrade
+ if (/^create operator family\s+(\w+)\s+USING\s+(\w+)\s*/i)
+ {
+ my $opfname = $1;
+ my $amname = $2;
+ my $def = $_;
+ my $opfsig = $opfname . " " . $amname;
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ $def .= $_;
+ last if /\);/;
+ }
- my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
- if ( ! $last_updated ) {
- die "WARNING: no last updated info for operator family '${opfname}'\n";
- }
- print "-- Operator family ${opfsig} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
- print <<"EOF";
+ my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
+ if ( !$last_updated )
+ {
+ die "WARNING: no last updated info for operator family '${opfname}'\n";
+ }
+ print "-- Operator family ${opfsig} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
+ print <<"EOF";
DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
@@ -397,66 +410,68 @@
- }
+ }
- # This code handles operator classes by creating them if we are doing a major upgrade
- if ( /^create operator class\s+(\w+)\s*/i )
- {
- my $opclassname = $1;
- my $opctype = 'unknown';
- my $opcidx = 'unknown';
- my $def = $_;
- my $last_updated;
- my $subcomment = '';
- my @subobjects; # minversion, definition
- while(<INPUT>)
- {
- if ( /^\s*\-\-/ ) {
- $subcomment .= $_;
- next;
- }
+ # This code handles operator classes by creating them if we are doing a major upgrade
+ if (/^create operator class\s+(\w+)\s*/i)
+ {
+ my $opclassname = $1;
+ my $opctype = 'unknown';
+ my $opcidx = 'unknown';
+ my $def = $_;
+ my $last_updated;
+ my $subcomment = '';
+ my @subobjects; # minversion, definition
+ while(<INPUT>)
+ {
+ if (/^\s*\-\-/)
+ {
+ $subcomment .= $_;
+ next;
+ }
- $def .= $_;
- $opctype = $1 if ( /for type (\w+) /i );
- $opcidx = $1 if ( /using (\w+) /i );
+ $def .= $_;
+ $opctype = $1 if (/for type (\w+) /i);
+ $opcidx = $1 if (/using (\w+) /i);
- # Support adding members at later versions
- if ( /\s+(OPERATOR|FUNCTION)\s+[0-9]+\s+ / )
- {
- my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($subcomment);
- if ( $last_updated )
- {
- my $subdefn = $_;
- chop $subdefn;
- $subdefn =~ s/[,;]$//; # strip ending comma or semicolon
- # argument types must be specified in ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY
- if ( $subdefn =~ m/\s+(OPERATOR.*)(FOR.*)/ )
- {
- $subdefn = $1.'('.$opctype.','.$opctype.') '.$2;
- }
- elsif ( $subdefn =~ m/\s+(OPERATOR.*)/ )
- {
- $subdefn = $1.'('.$opctype.','.$opctype.') '
- }
- elsif ( $subdefn =~ m/\s+(FUNCTION\s+[0-9]+ )(.*)/ )
- {
- $subdefn = $1.'('.$opctype.','.$opctype.') '.$2;
- }
- push @subobjects, [$last_updated, $subdefn];
- }
- $subcomment = '';
- }
- last if /;$/;
- }
- $opctype =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- $opcidx =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ # Support adding members at later versions
+ if (/\s+(OPERATOR|FUNCTION)\s+[0-9]+\s+ /)
+ {
+ my $last_updated = parse_last_updated($subcomment);
+ if ($last_updated)
+ {
+ my $subdefn = $_;
+ chop $subdefn;
+ $subdefn =~ s/[,;]$//; # strip ending comma or semicolon
+ # argument types must be specified in ALTER OPERATOR FAMILY
+ if ( $subdefn =~ m/\s+(OPERATOR.*)(FOR.*)/ )
+ {
+ $subdefn = $1.'('.$opctype.','.$opctype.') '.$2;
+ }
+ elsif ( $subdefn =~ m/\s+(OPERATOR.*)/ )
+ {
+ $subdefn = $1.'('.$opctype.','.$opctype.') ';
+ }
+ elsif ( $subdefn =~ m/\s+(FUNCTION\s+[0-9]+ )(.*)/ )
+ {
+ $subdefn = $1.'('.$opctype.','.$opctype.') '.$2;
+ }
+ push @subobjects, [$last_updated, $subdefn];
+ }
+ $subcomment = '';
+ }
+ last if /;$/;
+ }
+ $opctype =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
+ $opcidx =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/;
- $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
- if ( ! $last_updated ) {
- die "WARNING: no last updated info for operator class '${opclassname}'\n";
- }
- print "-- Operator class ${opclassname} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
- print <<"EOF";
+ $last_updated = parse_last_updated($comment);
+ if ( !$last_updated )
+ {
+ die "WARNING: no last updated info for operator class '${opclassname}'\n";
+ }
+ print "-- Operator class ${opclassname} -- LastUpdated: ${last_updated}\n";
+ print <<"EOF";
DO LANGUAGE 'plpgsql'
@@ -466,12 +481,12 @@
EXECUTE \$postgis_proc_upgrade_parsed_def\$
$def \$postgis_proc_upgrade_parsed_def\$;
- my $ELSE="ELSE -- version_from >= $last_updated";
- for my $subobj ( @subobjects )
- {
- $last_updated = @{$subobj}[0];
- $def = @{$subobj}[1];
- print <<"EOF";
+ my $ELSE="ELSE -- version_from >= $last_updated";
+ for my $subobj (@subobjects)
+ {
+ $last_updated = @{$subobj}[0];
+ $def = @{$subobj}[1];
+ print <<"EOF";
-- Last Updated: ${last_updated}
IF $last_updated > version_from_num FROM _postgis_upgrade_info THEN
@@ -481,19 +496,19 @@
- $ELSE="";
- }
- print <<"EOF";
+ $ELSE="";
+ }
+ print <<"EOF";
END IF; -- version_from >= $last_updated
- }
+ }
- $comment = '';
+ $comment = '';
-close( INPUT );
print "DROP TABLE _postgis_upgrade_info;\n";
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