[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch spatial-ref-sys-view updated. 3.2.0-463-ga363cfcc1

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Thu Feb 3 04:16:20 PST 2022

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, spatial-ref-sys-view has been updated
       via  a363cfcc1d7e3664547790e7d0f907b5f33bf087 (commit)
      from  26390a56feccc172fb2b8f1f3114a77b9e2ab72d (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit a363cfcc1d7e3664547790e7d0f907b5f33bf087
Author: Sandro Santilli <strk at kbt.io>
Date:   Thu Feb 3 13:15:14 2022 +0100

    Make spatial_ref_sys editing more backward compatible
    Raise a WARNING on all operations (insert/delete/update) with hints
    about the new way of doing things. Behave like spatial_ref_sys
    was a table (next SELECT will see effects of your operation)

diff --git a/postgis/postgis.sql.in b/postgis/postgis.sql.in
index 3023c7532..2141c3357 100644
--- a/postgis/postgis.sql.in
+++ b/postgis/postgis.sql.in
@@ -2087,35 +2087,35 @@ CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW spatial_ref_sys AS (
 CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION spatial_ref_sys_trigger()
 RETURNS trigger AS $BODY$
+	RAISE WARNING 'Editing spatial_ref_sys is deprecated.'
+	USING HINT = 'Edit spatial_ref_sys_user instead';
-			INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys_user VALUES (NEW.*);
-		WHEN unique_violation THEN
-			RAISE unique_violation
-			USING MESSAGE = format('Duplicate user override for SRID value (%s) already exists.', NEW.srid);
-		END;
-		IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM spatial_ref_sys_postgis WHERE srid = NEW.srid )
+		IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM spatial_ref_sys_postgis
+								WHERE srid = NEW.srid )
-			RAISE NOTICE 'User override for system SRID value % added', NEW.srid;
+			RAISE unique_violation USING
+				MESSAGE = format('System entry for SRID value (%s) already exists.', NEW.srid),
+				HINT = 'Insert to spatial_ref_sys_user for overriding it';
+			INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys_user VALUES (NEW.*);
 		END IF;
 		DELETE FROM spatial_ref_sys_user WHERE srid = OLD.srid;
-			IF EXISTS ( SELECT 1 FROM spatial_ref_sys_postgis WHERE srid = OLD.srid )
-			THEN
-				RAISE NOTICE 'System SRID (%) will not be deleted', OLD.srid;
-			END IF;
-			RAISE DEBUG 'User override for system SRID value % deleted', OLD.srid;
+			RAISE NOTICE 'User SRID % deleted', OLD.srid;
+		END IF;
+		DELETE FROM spatial_ref_sys_postgis WHERE srid = OLD.srid;
+			RAISE WARNING 'System SRID % deleted, ', OLD.srid
+			USING HINT = 'use postgis_extension_upgrade() to restore';
 		END IF;
+		RETURN OLD; -- this will be the override, if present, or system (if present)
 			INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys_user VALUES (NEW.*);
-			RAISE DEBUG 'User entry for SRID value % added', OLD.srid;
+			RAISE NOTICE 'User entry for SRID value % added', OLD.srid;
 		WHEN unique_violation THEN
 			UPDATE spatial_ref_sys_user
diff --git a/regress/core/spatial_ref_sys.sql b/regress/core/spatial_ref_sys.sql
index db32f7a0e..a3bfd1096 100644
--- a/regress/core/spatial_ref_sys.sql
+++ b/regress/core/spatial_ref_sys.sql
@@ -1,70 +1,74 @@
-set client_min_messages to NOTICE;
+set client_min_messages to WARNING;
 -- https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5024
 SELECT '#5024', 'spatial_ref_sys entries' AS table_name, count(*) FROM spatial_ref_sys;
--- Report custom SRIDs
-SELECT 'initial user srids', array_agg(srid order by srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user;
+-- Backward compatibility tests
--- Results in override being added
+-- Check test preconditions
+SELECT 'bc.preconditions',
+	(select count(srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user),
+	(select count(srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_postgis WHERE srid >= 901000);
+-- Existing system SRIDs cannot be inserted to spatial_ref_sys
 INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys(srid,auth_name,auth_srid,srtext,proj4text)
  VALUES (4326,'insert-existing-system-srid',0,'','')
- RETURNING 'insert-override-srid', srid, auth_name;
+ RETURNING 'bc.should-fail', 'insert-existing-system-srid', srid, auth_name;
+-- Non-existing system SRIDs inserts to spatial_ref_sys end up
+-- in user table
+INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys(srid,auth_name,auth_srid,srtext,proj4text)
+ VALUES (901000,'insert-non-existing-system-srid',0,'','')
+ RETURNING 'bc1', 'insert-non-existing-system-srid', srid, auth_name;
 -- Report overridden SRIDs
-SELECT 'user srids after insert override srid', array_agg(srid order by srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user;
+SELECT 'bc1.report', 'user srids', array_agg(srid order by srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user;
 -- Fails: cannot insert a duplicate key (overridden srid)
 INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys(srid,auth_name,auth_srid,srtext,proj4text)
- VALUES (4326,'insert-existing-system-srid-dup',0,'','')
- RETURNING 'insert-duplicate-overridden-srid', srid, auth_name;
+ VALUES (901000,'insert-existing-user-srid',0,'','')
+ RETURNING 'bc.should-fail', 'insert-existing-user-srid', srid, auth_name;
 -- Update override added by previous insert
 UPDATE spatial_ref_sys
 	SET auth_name = 'update-existing-user-srid'
-	WHERE srid = 4326
-	RETURNING 'update-override-srid', srid, auth_name;
--- Report overridden SRIDs
-SELECT 'user srids after update override srid', array_agg(srid order by srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user;
--- Delete override
-DELETE FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = 4326
-RETURNING 'delete-override', srid, auth_name;
+	WHERE srid = 901000
+	RETURNING 'bc2', 'update-existing-user-srid', srid, auth_name;
 -- Report overridden SRIDs
-SELECT 'user srids after delete override srid', array_agg(srid order by srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user;
+SELECT 'bc2.report', 'user srids after update override srid', array_agg(srid order by srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user;
--- Update inserts a new override
+-- Update of system srid inserts a new override
 UPDATE spatial_ref_sys
 	SET auth_name = 'update-existing-system-srid'
 	WHERE srid = 4326
-	RETURNING 'update-system-srid', srid, auth_name;
+	RETURNING 'bc3', 'update-system-srid', srid, auth_name;
 -- Report overridden SRIDs
-SELECT 'user srids after update system srid', array_agg(srid order by srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user;
--- Insert custom (non-system) SRID
-INSERT INTO spatial_ref_sys(srid,auth_name,auth_srid,srtext,proj4text)
- VALUES (901000,'inserted_custom',0,'','')
- RETURNING 'insert-custom-srid', srid, auth_name;
--- Update custom srid
-UPDATE spatial_ref_sys
-	SET auth_name = 'updated_custom'
-	WHERE srid = 901000
-	RETURNING 'update-custom-srid', srid, auth_name;
--- Report user and override SRIDs
-SELECT 'user srids after insert custom srid', array_agg(srid order by srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user;
-SELECT 'reported full_version overrides', (regexp_matches(postgis_full_version(), '([^(]*overridden SRID)'))[1];
--- Delete user entries (cleanup)
-WITH deleted AS (
-	DELETE FROM spatial_ref_sys_user
-	RETURNING 'deleted user srid', srid
-) SELECT FROM deleted ORDER BY srid;
--- Delete system SRIDs is a (noisy) no-op
-DELETE FROM spatial_ref_sys WHERE srid = 4326
-RETURNING 'delete-again-return', srid, auth_name;
+SELECT 'bc3.report', 'user srids after update override srid', array_agg(srid order by srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user;
+-- Check postgis_full_version() reporting
+SELECT 'bc3.report', 'reported full_version overrides', (regexp_matches(postgis_full_version(), '([^(]*overridden SRID)'))[1];
+-- Delete from spatial_ref_sys clears both
+-- user and system rows
+	SET client_min_messages TO ERROR;
+	DELETE FROM spatial_ref_sys;
+	-- Check test preconditions
+	SELECT 'bc4.delete',
+		(select count(srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user),
+		(select count(srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_postgis);
+-- Cleanup
+WITH cleanup AS (
+	DELETE FROM spatial_ref_sys_user WHERE srid in ( 901000, 4326 )
+SELECT 'bc.cleanup', array_agg(srid ORDER BY srid) FROM cleanup;
+-- Check test postconditions
+SELECT 'bc.postcondition',
+	(select count(srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_user),
+	(select count(srid) FROM spatial_ref_sys_postgis WHERE srid >= 901000);
diff --git a/regress/core/spatial_ref_sys_expected b/regress/core/spatial_ref_sys_expected
index 84888358d..c03fc590e 100644
--- a/regress/core/spatial_ref_sys_expected
+++ b/regress/core/spatial_ref_sys_expected
@@ -1,17 +1,19 @@
 #5024|spatial_ref_sys entries|8500
-initial user srids|
-NOTICE:  User override for system SRID value 4326 added
-user srids after insert override srid|{4326}
-ERROR:  Duplicate user override for SRID value (4326) already exists.
-user srids after update override srid|{4326}
-user srids after delete override srid|
-user srids after update system srid|{4326}
-user srids after insert custom srid|{4326,901000}
-reported full_version overrides|1 overridden SRID
-NOTICE:  System SRID (4326) will not be deleted
+WARNING:  Editing spatial_ref_sys is deprecated.
+ERROR:  System entry for SRID value (4326) already exists.
+WARNING:  Editing spatial_ref_sys is deprecated.
+bc1.report|user srids|{901000}
+WARNING:  Editing spatial_ref_sys is deprecated.
+ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint "spatial_ref_sys_user_pkey"
+WARNING:  Editing spatial_ref_sys is deprecated.
+bc2.report|user srids after update override srid|{901000}
+WARNING:  Editing spatial_ref_sys is deprecated.
+bc3.report|user srids after update override srid|{4326,901000}
+bc3.report|reported full_version overrides|1 overridden SRID


Summary of changes:
 postgis/postgis.sql.in                | 40 +++++++--------
 regress/core/spatial_ref_sys.sql      | 96 ++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 regress/core/spatial_ref_sys_expected | 34 +++++++------
 3 files changed, 88 insertions(+), 82 deletions(-)


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