[postgis-tickets] [SCM] PostGIS branch stable-2.5 updated. 2.5.5-27-g3040f5939

git at osgeo.org git at osgeo.org
Thu Feb 3 12:44:13 PST 2022

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script. It was
generated because a ref change was pushed to the repository containing
the project "PostGIS".

The branch, stable-2.5 has been updated
       via  3040f59392e80381d886ded352cd906f2fd0084e (commit)
      from  5ef8ff1e5d60a2ce4fe0ee4c37c6cc9700414443 (commit)

Those revisions listed above that are new to this repository have
not appeared on any other notification email; so we list those
revisions in full, below.

- Log -----------------------------------------------------------------
commit 3040f59392e80381d886ded352cd906f2fd0084e
Author: Regina Obe <lr at pcorp.us>
Date:   Thu Feb 3 15:44:07 2022 -0500

    Update berrie and berrie64 scripts to try to avoid using packaged installed pg

diff --git a/ci/berrie/configs.sh b/ci/berrie/configs.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..3a248946a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/berrie/configs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+export WORKSPACE=/home/jenkins/workspace
+export GEOS_VER=3.11.0
+export OS_BUILD=32
+export PG_VER=12
+#export GEOS_PATH=${WORKSPACE}/geos/rel-${GEOS_VER}
+#export GEOS_PATH=~/geos/rel-${GEOS_VER}
+export PGPATH=${WORKSPACE}/pg/label/${label}/rel/pg${PG_VER}w${OS_BUILD}
+#export PATH=${PGPATH}/bin:${PGPATH}/lib:${GEOS_PATH}/bin:${GEOS_PATH}/lib:${PATH}
+export PATH=${PGPATH}/bin:${PGPATH}/lib:${PATH}
+export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${GEOS_PATH}/lib/pkgconfig"
+export PGPORT=55432
+export PGDATA=$PGPATH/data_${PGPORT}
+export PGHOST=localhost
+#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${GEOS_PATH}/lib:${PGPATH}/lib"
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${PGPATH}/lib"
diff --git a/ci/berrie/pg_init_start.sh b/ci/berrie/pg_init_start.sh
index 7914f0e9c..de42cb9fa 100644
--- a/ci/berrie/pg_init_start.sh
+++ b/ci/berrie/pg_init_start.sh
@@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
-#Berrie is a 32-bit Rasberry Pi Arm managed by Bruce Rindahl
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#Berrie is a 32-bit Rasberry Pi managed by Bruce Rindahl
 #This is script to launch custom compiled PostgreSQL
-#export label=berrie64 #this is passed in via Jenkins
-export WORKSPACE=/home/jenkins/workspace
-export OS_BUILD=32
-export PG_VER=12
-export PGPATH=${WORKSPACE}/pg/label/${label}/rel/pg${PG_VER}w${OS_BUILD}
-export PATH=${PATH}:${PGPATH}/bin:${PGPATH}/lib
-export PGPORT=55432
-export PGDATA=$PGPATH/data_${PGPORT}
+#export label=berrie #this is passed in via Jenkins
+SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
+export CUR_DIR=$(dirname "$SCRIPT")
+echo $CUR_DIR
+export CONFIG_FILE="$CUR_DIR/configs.sh"
+echo $PATH
 export PGLOG="$PGDATA/pgsql.log"
 # What to use to start up the postmaster
-DAEMON="$PGPATH/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA -l logfile start"
+DAEMON="$PGPATH/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA -o '-F' -l logfile start"
 # What to use to shut down the postmaster
 # remove cluster if exists
 if [ -d $PGDATA ] ; then
-    if [ -d $PGDATA/postmaster.pid] ; then
+    if [ -d $PGDATA/postmaster.pid ] ; then
     	$PGCTL stop -D $PGDATA -s -m fast
diff --git a/ci/berrie/postgis_regress.sh b/ci/berrie/postgis_regress.sh
index 2f06e9891..1474b88d0 100644
--- a/ci/berrie/postgis_regress.sh
+++ b/ci/berrie/postgis_regress.sh
@@ -1,30 +1,29 @@
-# Berrie is a 32-bit Rasberry Pi Arm managed by Bruce Rindahl
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#bessie is a 32-bit Rasberry Pi managed by Bruce Rindahl
 ## BRANCH is passed in via jenkins which is set via gitea web hook
 #export BRANCH=618a67b1d6fc223dd5a4c0b02c824939f21dbd65
 ## label is set by jenkins
 #export label=${label}
-export WORKSPACE=/home/jenkins/workspace
-cd ${WORKSPACE}/PostGIS_Worker_Run/label/${label}/$BRANCH
-export OS_BUILD=32
-export PG_VER=12
-export PGPATH=${WORKSPACE}/pg/label/${label}/rel/pg${PG_VER}w${OS_BUILD}
-export PATH=${PATH}:${PGPATH}/bin:${PGPATH}/lib
-export PGPORT=55432
-export PGDATA=$PGPATH/data_${PGPORT}
-export PGHOST=localhost
+SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
+export CUR_DIR=$(dirname "$SCRIPT")
+echo $CUR_DIR
+export CONFIG_FILE="$CUR_DIR/configs.sh"
+echo $PATH
 sh autogen.sh
-./configure --with-pgconfig=${PGPATH}/bin/pg_config
+./configure --with-pgconfig=${PGPATH}/bin/pg_config \
+	--without-protobuf
 #make clean
 export err_status=0
-make install
 make check RUNTESTFLAGS="-v"
-#make check RUNTESTFLAGS="-v --extension"
+make install
+make check RUNTESTFLAGS="-v --extension"
+make garden
 if [ -d $PGDATA/postmaster.pid ] ; then
diff --git a/ci/berrie64/configs.sh b/ci/berrie64/configs.sh
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ed12d66b0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ci/berrie64/configs.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+export WORKSPACE=/home/jenkins/workspace
+#export GEOS_VER=3.11.0
+export OS_BUILD=64
+export PG_VER=12
+#export GEOS_PATH=${WORKSPACE}/geos/rel-${GEOS_VER}
+#export GEOS_PATH=~/geos/rel-${GEOS_VER}
+export PGPATH=${WORKSPACE}/pg/label/${label}/rel/pg${PG_VER}w${OS_BUILD}
+#export PATH=${PGPATH}/bin:${PGPATH}/lib:${GEOS_PATH}/bin:${GEOS_PATH}/lib:${PATH}
+export PATH=${PGPATH}/bin:${PGPATH}/lib:${PATH}
+#export PKG_CONFIG_PATH="${GEOS_PATH}/lib/pkgconfig"
+export PGPORT=55433
+export PGDATA=$PGPATH/data_${PGPORT}
+export PGHOST=localhost
+#export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${GEOS_PATH}/lib:${PGPATH}/lib"
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="${PGPATH}/lib"
diff --git a/ci/berrie64/pg_init_start.sh b/ci/berrie64/pg_init_start.sh
index 1df09aeb3..8b855dff3 100644
--- a/ci/berrie64/pg_init_start.sh
+++ b/ci/berrie64/pg_init_start.sh
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
 #Berrie64 is a 64-bit Rasberry Pi Arm managed by Bruce Rindahl
 #This is script to launch custom compiled PostgreSQL
 #export label=berrie64 #this is passed in via Jenkins
-export WORKSPACE=/home/jenkins/workspace
-export OS_BUILD=64
-export PG_VER=12
-export PGPATH=${WORKSPACE}/pg/label/${label}/rel/pg${PG_VER}w${OS_BUILD}
-export PATH=${PGPATH}/bin:${PGPATH}/lib:${PATH}
-export PGPORT=55432
+SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
+export CUR_DIR=$(dirname "$SCRIPT")
+echo $CUR_DIR
+export CONFIG_FILE="$CUR_DIR/configs.sh"
+echo $PATH
 export PGDATA=$PGPATH/data_${PGPORT}
 export PGLOG="$PGDATA/pgsql.log"
 # What to use to start up the postmaster
-DAEMON="$PGPATH/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA -l logfile start"
+DAEMON="$PGPATH/bin/pg_ctl -D $PGDATA -o '-F' -l logfile start"
 # What to use to shut down the postmaster
diff --git a/ci/berrie64/postgis_regress.sh b/ci/berrie64/postgis_regress.sh
index 9859007d7..5fddfac4d 100644
--- a/ci/berrie64/postgis_regress.sh
+++ b/ci/berrie64/postgis_regress.sh
@@ -1,32 +1,34 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
 # Berrie64 is a 64-bit Rasberry Pi Arm managed by Bruce Rindahl
 ## BRANCH is passed in via jenkins which is set via gitea web hook
 #export BRANCH=618a67b1d6fc223dd5a4c0b02c824939f21dbd65
 ## label is set by jenkins
 #export label=${label}
-export WORKSPACE=/home/jenkins/workspace
+SCRIPT=$(readlink -f "$0")
+export CUR_DIR=$(dirname "$SCRIPT")
+echo $CUR_DIR
+export CONFIG_FILE="$CUR_DIR/configs.sh"
+echo $PATH
 cd ${WORKSPACE}/PostGIS_Worker_Run/label/${label}/$BRANCH
-export OS_BUILD=64
-export PG_VER=12
-export PGPATH=${WORKSPACE}/pg/label/${label}/rel/pg${PG_VER}w${OS_BUILD}
-export PATH=${PGPATH}/bin:${PGPATH}/lib:${PATH}
-export PGPORT=55432
-export PGDATA=$PGPATH/data_${PGPORT}
-export PGHOST=localhost
 sh autogen.sh
-./configure --with-pgconfig=${PGPATH}/bin/pg_config
+./configure --with-pgconfig=${PGPATH}/bin/pg_config --with-geosconfig=${GEOS_PATH}/bin/geos-config
 #make clean
 export err_status=0
-make install
 make check RUNTESTFLAGS="-v"
-#make check RUNTESTFLAGS="-v --extension"
+make install
+make check RUNTESTFLAGS="-v --extension"
+#make garden
 if [ -d $PGDATA/postmaster.pid ] ; then
 	$PGCTL stop -D $PGDATA -s -m fast


Summary of changes:
 ci/berrie/configs.sh           | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 ci/berrie/pg_init_start.sh     | 23 +++++++++++------------
 ci/berrie/postgis_regress.sh   | 33 ++++++++++++++++-----------------
 ci/berrie64/configs.sh         | 16 ++++++++++++++++
 ci/berrie64/pg_init_start.sh   | 16 ++++++++--------
 ci/berrie64/postgis_regress.sh | 28 +++++++++++++++-------------
 6 files changed, 82 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 ci/berrie/configs.sh
 create mode 100644 ci/berrie64/configs.sh


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