[PostGIS] #5845: address_standardizer test failing on winnie

PostGIS trac at osgeo.org
Wed Jan 29 17:12:31 PST 2025

#5845: address_standardizer test failing on winnie
 Reporter:  robe                 |      Owner:  robe
     Type:  defect               |     Status:  new
 Priority:  blocker              |  Milestone:  PostGIS 3.6.0
Component:  pagc_address_parser  |    Version:  master
 Keywords:                       |
  -------------- Additional Info -------------
   POSTGIS lib file includes minor:   ENABLED
   Interrupt Tests:   ENABLED

  -------------- Dependencies --------------
   GEOS config:          /projects/geos/rel-3.13.0w64gcc81/bin/geos-config
   GEOS version:         3.13.0 (31300)
   GDAL config:          /projects/gdal/rel-3.9.2w64gcc81/bin/gdal-config
   GDAL version:         3.9.2
   SFCGAL config:        /projects/CGAL/rel-sfcgal-1.5.2w64gcc81/bin
   SFCGAL version:       1.5.2
   PostgreSQL config:
   PostgreSQL version:   PostgreSQL 16.4
   PROJ version:         8.2.1 (80201)
   Libxml2 config:       /projects/libxml/rel-
   Libxml2 version:      2.12.5
   JSON-C support:       yes
   protobuf support:     yes
   protobuf-c version:   1002001
   PCRE support:         Version 1
   Perl:                 /usr/bin/perl

 # +++ regress install-check in  +++
 # using postmaster on localhost, port 26016
 ok 1         - test-init-extensions                     1788 ms
 ok 2         - test-parseaddress                        1558 ms
 ok 3         - test-standardize_address_1               3773 ms
 ok 4         - test-standardize_address_2               8702 ms
 ok 5         - test-debug_standardize_address           2819 ms
 # All 5 tests passed.
 echo "# +++ regress install-check in  +++" &&
 --inputdir=./ --bindir='E:/jenkins/postgresql/rel/pg16w64gcc81/bin'
 --load-extension=fuzzystrmatch --load-extension=postgis --load-
 extension=postgis_tiger_geocoder --load-extension=address_standardizer
 --dbname=contrib_regression test-normalize_address test-upgrade test-
 # +++ regress install-check in  +++
 # using postmaster on localhost, port 26016
 ok 1         - test-normalize_address                   1100 ms
 ok 2         - test-upgrade                             4564 ms
 not ok 3     - test-pagc_normalize_address              5620 ms
 # 1 of 3 tests failed.
 # The differences that caused some tests to fail can be viewed in the file
 # A copy of the test summary that you see above is saved in the file
 make: ***
 installcheck] Error 1

 +#1051d|212||3RD|AVE|||MINNEAPOLIS|MN|N 55401|t||212


 I recall seeing this issue before and had to do with order of tokens in
Ticket URL: <https://trac.osgeo.org/postgis/ticket/5845>
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