[postgis] php update

Petri J. Riipinen petri.riipinen at nic.fi
Tue Nov 6 08:41:46 PST 2001


My feeble attempt as a PostGIS newbie:

Shouldn't that be: $sql="insert into roads values ('$id','$desc', 
GeometryFromText('LINESTRING ($points)'), SRID)";

where SRID is e.g. -1.

- Petri

At 15:47 6.11.2001 , you wrote:
>I have created a php script witch update a table roads. In that table
>roads i have a LINESTRING field "points"
>the script works like this:
>$sql="insert into roads values ('$id','$desc', 'LINESTRING
>but the LINESTING insn't working...
>Can i update the table like this?

   Petri J. Riipinen
petri.riipinen at nic.fi

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