[postgis] Arcview script
Hisaji ONO
ono96 at fa2.so-net.ne.jp
Tue Oct 2 05:34:03 PDT 2001
Thank you very much, Mr. Ross..
Your avenue script has helped me, because shp2pgsql sometimes couldn't
succeed to convert some large size polygon or line shapefiles.
This scripts works fine, but it seemed not to support multipolygons even
these exist in the choice menu in your script.
I 've changed the following part in your script to support multipolygons.
for each rec in theftab
shp = thefTab.ReturnValue(thefTab.FindField("Shape"), rec).aspolygon
partlist = shp.aspolygon.aslist
'shpstr = x.setformat("dddddddd").asstring + 9.aschar + thefeat+"((("
shpstr = x.setformat("dddddddd").asstring + 9.aschar + thefeat+"((" '<---
for each part in partlist
ii = 0 '<--- added
shpstr = shpstr + "("'<--- added
'for each p in part
for each i in 0..(part.count - 2) '<--- modified
p = part.get(i) '<--- modified
shpstr = shpstr + p.getX.setformat("d.dddddd").asstring + " " +
p.getY.setformat("d.dddddd").asstring +", "
p = part.get(part.count - 1) '<--- added
shpstr = shpstr + p.getX.setformat("d.dddddd").asstring + " " +
p.getY.setformat("d.dddddd").asstring + ")" '<--- added
ii = ii + 1 '<--- added
if (ii < partlist.count) then '<--- added
shpstr = shpstr + "," '<--- added
end '<--- added
'polystr = shpstr.left(shpstr.count - 2) + ")))" + 9.aschar
polystr = shpstr.left(shpstr.count) + "))" + 9.aschar '<--- modified
Please tell me if you have any comment about this.
> Hi,
> We recently had some problematic shapefiles which shp2psql wouldn't
> process due to some topology problems in the shapefile. We couldn't
> track them down so I ended up writing an avenue script to produce a dump
> text file from a shapefile. It is rough and ready but does the job.
> shp2psql is much quicker but I thought I'd make it available in case
> anyone had a use for it.
> Ross
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