[postgis] How to interpret geometry from binary cursor?
Petri J. Riipinen
petri.riipinen at nic.fi
Sun Oct 28 03:02:44 PST 2001
Hi folks,
I would like to use a binary cursor to fetch geometry information from a
database, that has been created with shp2pgsql, i.e. there is the
'the_geom'-field that contains the information.
What is the format of the binary buffer, if I use binary cursor to retrieve
the value from 'the_geom'-field?
For example, if I get this:
SRID=-1;MULTILINESTRING((3330551.305 6826440.643,3330557.168
6826456.235,3330557.133 6826462.116,3330555.755 6826468.43,3330552.952
6826473.407,3330517.697 6826535.548,3330515.897 6826542.503,3330514.544
6826564.475,3330521.949 6826581.788,3330519.45 6826590.306,3330488.713
6826603.744,3330483.613 6826604.059,3330473.991 6826606.385,3330469.262
6826609.178,3330456.215 6826618.894,3330452.556 6826623.097,3330447.507
6826631.63,3330441.956 6826639.104,3330437.015 6826642.11,3330431.789
6826644.905,3330425.858 6826648.13,3330417.734 6826652.077,3330402.773
6826661.804,3330385.44 6826677.428,3330360.307 6826703.657,3330340.441
6826722.803,3330330.563 6826732.363,3330320.428 6826745.113,3330298.189
6826769.511,3330284.102 6826789.787,3330277.665 6826802.316,3330276.836
6826807.835,3330278.699 6826816.728,3330309.72 6826837.432,3330335.862
6826847.397,3330351.446 6826851.637,3330370.24 6826855.572,3330387.627
6826860,3330400.393 6826862.117,3330421.401 6826861.768))
From 'SELECT * FROM ROADS'.... where 'the_geom' is just one field among
other fields.
How would I interpret the binary cursor value for that field?
- Petri
PS. I guess this is something that would be in PostGIS manual, but at the
moment the section for Binary cursors is empty...:(
Petri J. Riipinen
petri.riipinen at nic.fi
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