[postgis-users] PostGIS spatial query performance

Alexander Pucher pucher at atlas.gis.univie.ac.at
Fri Aug 9 00:27:14 PDT 2002

Jan Hartmann wrote:

>It is possible to do this much faster. As Paul said, you can speed up a
>distance query (which doesn't use indices) by preceding it with an overlap
>query, like:
>select park.*
>from park,roads
>where park.the_geom && roads.the_geom
>and distance(park.the_geom,mypoints.the_geom) = 0
wow, speeds up from about 6 minutes to 2 seconds with this query:

select park.the_geom
from park, road
where park.the_geom && road.the_geom
and distance(park.the_geom, road.the_geom) = 0;

Thanks for that. Also works fine to include this query string into a UMN 
Mapserver mapfile.

One last question: How do I get the inverse result of the above query, 
i.e all parks, that do *not* have a road running through them?



Institut fuer Geographie und Regionalforschung
Universitaet Wien
Kartografie und Geoinformation

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University of Vienna
Cartography and GIS

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