[postgis-users] Accessing PostGIS from ArcView

Armin Burger armin.burger at libero.it
Fri Aug 16 06:40:59 PDT 2002


I don't think that the 'Dll.Make' request works with Unix libraries.
There are only documentation/examples for Win Dll's and the name of the
request let me assume that it is Windows-only.

There's another function called 'System.LoadLibrary', but I don't know
if that's similar to the DLL call. The documentation says nothing more
than 'Attempts to load the shared library ...', so I don't have a clue
what it does.


> Hi

> Since a time I try to implemet Armin Burger's avpgcon for ArcView UNIX
> (tru64). But I'm not successful. When I change the avenue code to

> libpgDLL = DLL.Make ("/usr/local/pgsql/lib/libpq.so".AsFileName)
> ...
> pgCon =
> pgDbLoginProc.Call({pghost,pgport,pgoptions,pgtty,dbName,login,pwd})

> after executing the second line ArcView responses with "segmentation
> violation". Does anyone outside know, if it is possible to use gcc
> shared libraries as DLL and how to to this??

> Regards
> Horst

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