[postgis-users] Reading the WKB format in Java

David Garnier david.garnier at etudier-online.com
Tue Jul 2 14:53:29 PDT 2002

I'm looking for a free (as in freedom) WKBReader
written in Java i.e. a class that would take an array of bytes in the Well-Known-Binary format specified by the OpenGIS consortium
 and turn in into a geometry object of some kind, or at least an array of floats or doubles. I searched to web, to no avail. Do you know of/have written such a thing?

I'm trying to make OpenMap work with PostGIS (a very fine spatial extension to PostgreSQL, check it out at http://
postgis.refractions.net/). The problem is that right now the only way to extract the coordinates is to use the WKT format (a text representation) and then parse the output. This involves a huge overhead due to the large number of String allocations. If I need to write my own, it will  be as geographical-toolkit agnostic as possible, meaning that the design of the reader won't lock you into one geographical toolkit.

Best Regards,
David Garnier

PS: This message was posted to several mailing-lists related to open-source geographical information system in Java. Sorry if you get several copies.

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