[postgis-users] shp2pgsql crashes

Alex Rice alex_rice at arc.to
Fri Jul 12 23:26:09 PDT 2002

Hi, I am learning PostGIS and am downloading various shapefiles to 
import into PostGIS with shp2pgsql. I am using PostgreSQL 7.2.1, PostGIS 
0.7.1, and shp2pgsql from the CVS snapshot-- I saw there were some 
recent patches on the list, so I thought I would try the most recent 
shp2pgsql to see if the crashes stopped.

However, about 50% of the shapefiles I have tried importing with 
shp2pgsql, it crashes with the following stacktrace. It seems to be 
taking issue with the DBF files included with these shapefiles?

Not knowing much about shapefiles or this loader-- is this about par for 
the course, or perhaps these  are just corrupted shapefiles? I am 
downloading the files from http://www.nationalatlas.gov/atlasftp.html.
If anyone is interested, I can tell you exactly which files on that site 
refused to load and which ones loaded OK, among the ones I've tried.

Thread 0 Crashed:
  #0   0x32300000 in 0x32300000
  #1   0x70014f9c in fseeko
  #2   0x000052f8 in DBFReadAttribute
  #3   0x0000756c in Insert_attributes
  #4   0x000080b4 in main
  #5   0x0000193c in _start
  #6   0x0000176c in start

Thanks in advance,

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alex_rice at arc.to
alrice at swcp.com

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