[postgis-users] shp2pgsql crashes

Alex Rice alex_rice at arc.to
Tue Jul 16 09:46:05 PDT 2002

On Tuesday, July 16, 2002, at 08:43  AM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Could you send me a sample set that demonstrates the problem?  I can't 
> see
> any reasont he filenames *should* make a difference, so it may be some 
> other
> sort of memory corruption, and changing the filename length moves stuff 
> around
> enough to prevent the crash.

Frank, here is the URL for one of the files:

I am not sure, this might only be happening on Mac OS X. I have a 
FreeBSD box laying around. When I get a chance I'll test these files on 

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alex_rice at arc.to
alrice at swcp.com

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