[postgis-users] Spatial reference systems

Luis Mota luis.mota at iscte.pt
Tue Jul 23 11:24:43 PDT 2002

Hi everyone, can anyone help me with spatial reference systems? Nothing 
theoretical, it's just a question of nomenclature...

I am working with geographical data from Lisbon in Portugal. I imported 
some data from a shape-file, but I had no information (at least that's 
what I think) about the underlying reference system. Because of this, I 
started looking at the spatial_ref_system table to find the appropriate 

I noticed, however, that there were differences between the definition 
found at OpenGIS and the definition in the PostGIStable ... Please look 
at it:

 From the spatial_ref_system table:
 20790 | EPSG      |     20790 | 

 From http://www.opengis.org/techno/interop/EPSG2WKT.TXT:

PROJCS["Lisbon (Lisbon)/Portuguese National Grid",GEOGCS["Lisbon (Lisbon)",DATUM["Lisbon",SPHEROID["International 1924",6378388,297]],PRIMEM["Lisbon",-9.13190611111111],UNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Transverse_Mercator"],PARAMETER["latitude_of_origin",39.6666666666667],PARAMETER["central_meridian",1],PARAMETER["scale_factor",1],PARAMETER["false_easting",200000],PARAMETER["false_northing",300000],UNIT["metre",1]]

As you can see, the names of  spheroids, data and projections are 

This doesn't seem to be too bad since the numerical data is identical, 
but to me this is a problem: I need some kind of sure nomenclature in 
order to refer to reference systems...

What should I use for this? Is there any standard? Should I use this 
EPSG number? What about the other ref-systems whose auth_name is ESRI? 
They are, at least some of them, different from the ones from EPSG...

Any comments on this?

Best regards, Luís Mota

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