[postgis-users] Creating a linestring from two points
Per-Olof Norén
pelle at alma.nu
Sat Nov 9 03:48:18 PST 2002
Juanse wrote:
>have you found out if it Is it point or point+1 in every direction?
No, I haven´t....And actually haven´t had the time to double check the
docs for any explanation to
the bounding box´s size. I´m hoping someone on this list knows :-)
/ Per-Olof
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Per-Olof Norén <pelle at alma.nu>
>To: <postgis-users at postgis.refractions.net>
>Sent: Friday, November 08, 2002 12:17 PM
>Subject: Re: [postgis-users] Creating a linestring from two points
>>Hi Dave,
>>Sorry for the delay. I managed to figure somthing similar out before you
>>could answer it.
>>Anyway, I used the function x(point1) instead of xmin though. Isn´t a
>>point´s bounding box the point itself?
>>or is a point´s bounding box point+1 unit in every direction? Need
>>update using your suggestion?
>>My query:
>>update lank set lank_geom =
>>GeometryFromText('LINESTRING(' || x(parent.nod_geom) || ' ' ||
>> || ',' || x(child.nod_geom) || ' ' || y(child.nod_geom) || ')', 30800)
>>from lank l,
>> nod parent,
>> nod child
>>where lank.parent_nod_id = parent.nod_id
>> and lank.child_nod_id = child.nod_id
>> and l.parent_nod_id = l.parent_nod_id
>>Thanx in advance,
>>David Blasby wrote:
>>>Unfortunately OGC didnt define any constructors for geometries. I should
>>>really add a few functions to do this - perhaps I'll get some time in the
>>>next little while.
>>>If you want to construct a line from 2 points, I suggest you build up a
>>>Lets look at a simple example - a table with 3 geometry columns called
>>>'point1','point2','line'. The point1 and point2 column have points in
>>>The function xmin(geometry) returns the xmin of the geometry's bounding
>>>box. For a point, the points X value is the same as the bounding box's X
>>>value. The '||' operator concatenates 2 strings.
>>>UPDATE <table> SET line =
>>> geometryFromText(
>>> 'LINESTRING('|| xmin(point1)||' ' || ymin(point1) ||','||
>>>xmin(point2) || ' '|| ymin(point2) || ')'
>>> );
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