[postgis-users] usage of truly_inside()

Alex Rice alex_rice at arc.to
Thu Sep 5 11:27:48 PDT 2002

On Thursday, September 5, 2002, at 11:38 AM, Paul Ramsey wrote:

> OpenGIS is nice enough to define Contains(), however we do not have 
> that
> yet. GEOS is almost to the point of having predicates, but not yet, and
> once we do get them in GEOS we still have to integrate with PostGIS. I
> do not know what your timeline is like in terms of needing this
> functionality. At current rates, it is probably a couple of months 
> still
> until the first cut of PostGIS+GEOS hits the streets.

OK, thanks for the tips... I think that I can achieve what I wanted by 
checking the number of rows in my result set-- if I get more than one 
overlapping polygon then I don't have a containment.

Alex Rice, Software Developer
Architectural Research Consultants, Inc.
alrice at swcp.com
alex_rice at arc.to

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