[postgis-users] problems with StartPoint(Geometry) and EndPoint(Geometry)?

Dave Blasby dblasby at refractions.net
Fri Sep 13 16:08:35 PDT 2002

Andy Turk wrote:
> Both StartPoint() and EndPoint return NULL for me when I try to use them in
> 0.73. However, PointN() works just fine.
> Try this and see what you get:
> SELECT StartPoint(GeometryFromText('MULTILINESTRING((0 0,1 1))', 1));
>  startpoint
> ------------
> (1 row)

According to the OGC spec, "StartPoint()" is only defined for
linestrings - not multilinestrings.

If you want to use multilinestrings, use  StartPoint(GeometryN(<mult>,


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