[postgis-users] Re: ERROR:XX Operation on two GEOMETRIES with different SRIDs (WAS: -->point_inside_circle(geometry,float,float,float) : units -> meters ?)

David Blasby dblasby at refractions.net
Tue Apr 15 11:01:27 PDT 2003

Pedro Salazar wrote:

>sorry to bother you agin but I think you could help me on this.
>I'm getting this error when I try to see if geom overlaps my box3d:
>ERROR:  Operation on two GEOMETRIES with different SRIDs
>It's so strange that instead of using a custom point, I use the points
>from the table: 
>SELECT * FROM geom_poi WHERE geom && expand(geom, 200);
>How is that possible? Could you help here one more time?
>BTW, I'm working with 2D. I don't know if it matters...
Ah, there is a little gotch-ya here.  BOX3Ds do not have an SRID, so it 
can cause problem:

setSRID(expand(geom, 200) , <SRID>) 

Where <SRID> is the SRID of data in your geom_poi  table.



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