[postgis-users] Re: shp2pgsql bug?

Ross Presser rpresser at Imtek.com
Wed Jun 18 08:57:58 PDT 2003

Paul Ramsey <pramsey at refractions.net> wrote in
news:3EA05259.8050502 at refractions.net: 

> It'll have a different problem, but still will probably mess you up.
> An alternative loading path could be via OGR, assuming OGR handles
> large numbers gracefully.

Another workaround is to create the table yourself with the offending field 
defined as a character field; then use shp2pgsql WITHOUT the -c option; 
then convert the field back to numeric (using ALTER TABLE ADD COLUMN ..., 
UPDATE ..., ALTER TABLE DROP COLUMN ...) after loading .  Had this myself 
regarding the ID field in some TeleAtlas data.

Ross Presser -- rpresser AT imtek DOT com
"... VB is essentially the modern equivalent of vulgar Latin in 13th 
Centurary Europe. Understand it, and you can travel to places you never 
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