[postgis-users] side location conflict in GeomUnion function

Hisaji Ono hi_ono2001 at ybb.ne.jp
Thu Nov 13 13:32:38 PST 2003


 I've got following error message in creating geometry unions using

# select GeomUnion(the_geom)  from kagawa group by  y2000;

NOTICE:  TopologyException: jpnboundary=# select GeomUnion(the_geom)  from
kagawa where gid <> 883 group by
NOTICE:  TopologyException: side location conflict (133.949,34.2926)
NOTICE:  TopologyException: side location conflict (133.949,34.2926)
ERROR:  GEOS union() threw an error!
ERROR:  GEOS union() threw an error!(133.949,34.2926)
NOTICE:  TopologyException: side location conflict (133.949,34.2926)
ERROR:  GEOS union() threw an error!
ERROR:  GEOS union() threw an error!

 Could you tell me how to detect a record including this geometry which
caused this error and how to remedy this geometry?


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