[postgis-users] Finding intersection of polygon line with frame

Chris Faulkner chrisf at oramap.com
Thu Oct 16 13:06:20 PDT 2003


I have a box3d geometry. Something I make like this

GeometryFromText('BOX3D(529000 179000,530000 180000)'::box3d,-1)

I have a table with a set of polygons, stored in a field called geometry. AT
the moment, I am finding all the polygons that overlap my box3d with this :

where geometry && GeometryFromText('BOX3D(529000 179000,530000

This works fine. However, I would like to constrain the selection to only
those polygons that cross the box3d. So any polygons that are wholly within,
or entirely covering the box3d, then I would like to reject them. Only
polygons whose lines cross the box3d should be included. How do I write such
a query in postgis ?



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