[postgis-users] Insert performance issues

Nicolas RIBOT nri at scot.cnes.fr
Mon Oct 20 08:43:34 PDT 2003

> You said you have all the fields indexed involved in the 
> query.  Exactly how
> many fields do you have indexed?

7. The table Structure is the following:

create table clcv1 (
    gid         serial primary key      , 
    AREA        float8                  ,
    PERIMETER   float8                  , 
    CLCV1_      int4                    , 
    CLCV1_ID    int4                    , 
    ID_CLC_INI  int4                    , 
    CLC_V0      int4                    , 
    CLC_V1      int4                    ,
    MARQUEUR    int4                    , 
    BLOC        varchar(4)              , 
    EDIT_ST     varchar(5)              , 
    MODIF_ST    varchar (6)             ,
    ID_BLOC     int4                    ,
    ISMODIF     int4          default 0
CREATE INDEX clcv1_spi   ON clcv1    USING GIST (the_geom
CREATE index clcv1_clcv1__idx on clcv1 (clcv1_);
CREATE index clcv1_clc_v1_idx on clcv1 (clc_v1);
CREATE index clcv1_marqueur_idx on clcv1 (marqueur);
CREATE index clcv1_bloc_idx on clcv1 (bloc);
CREATE index clcv1_edit_st_idx on clcv1 (edit_st);
CREATE index clcv1_modif_st_idx on clcv1 (modif_st);

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