[postgis-users] Installation Trouble.

dave at davemitch.com dave at davemitch.com
Wed Apr 14 08:43:49 PDT 2004

I have resolved that problem now thanks to a post by Sandy Pike last month
(Thanks Sandy)

I have now loaded a shape file into my database (using shp2pgsl), but can't get 
mapserver to generate an image.

I get the following errors.

PHP Warning: MapServer Error in msPOSTGISLayerOpen(): msPOSTGISLayerOpen
called but unimplemented! in
C:\webmap\addcafweb_basingstoke\test_draw_map.php on line 48 gd-png warning:
alpha channel not supported gd-png warning: alpha channel not supported

the php code I'm using is very basic:-

if (PHP_OS == "WINNT" || PHP_OS == "WIN32")
$map = ms_newMapObj("postgres.map");

$img = $map->draw();

$url = $img->saveWebImage(MS_PNG, 0, 0, 0);
printf("<IMG SRC=%s WIDTH=%d HEIGHT=%d>\n", $url, $map->width, $map->height);

Any help would be appreciated...perhaps I need to build mapserver under Cygwin?


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