[postgis-users] (no subject)

Paul Ramsey pramsey at refractions.net
Fri Apr 16 07:45:24 PDT 2004

Over 30 km, your elevations are not going to make much of a difference 
to your distance calculations. There is no distance3d function, because 
of the difficulties in coding it and relative obscurity of the 
functionality (always a deadly combination :). There is a length3d 
function, which tends to be more useful (how far is it *really* from A 
to B, including up and down hills).

On Friday, April 16, 2004, at 06:30 AM, David Sharp wrote:

> Hi ,
> I was just wondering , at the moment I am using the following command 
> to
> enter data into my database.
> insert into
> table(id,poly_geom,name,level)values(1,GeometryFromText('POLYGON((5
> 2.30 -9.75 0,52.30 -9.66 0,52.25 -9.66 0,52.25 -9.75 0,52.30 -9.75
> 0))',-1),'
> If I wanted to integrate height also into my table of polygons would I
> just replace the zero value with the height in meters.
> Once I then query the database for places within a 30km range will it
> take the height into account when It returns my result.
> Any help appreciated
> regards
> David Sharp
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      Paul Ramsey
      Refractions Research
      Email: pramsey at refractions.net
      Phone: (250) 885-0632

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